Friday, March 28, 2014

Spanish Renaissance Responses

I reviewed Melanie's blog on the Spanish Renaissance. She discusses the different styles we learned in class, desornamentato and plateresque. I loved the picture examples she gave, they really help distingush the two styles. The second blog I reviewed was Leslie's post. She started off introducing the Spanish Renaissance with some historical facts, which is very important to be familiar with when studying the styles of design and the influence the culture had at this time. She gave great examples of the castles and cathedrals of this time. Her blog would be great to review to get all overall understanding of the Spanish Renaissance design.

Spanish Renaissance

The residential designs from this time period is very noteworthy. Residential design was influenced by the Moorish design. These designs included elaborately decorated patios, galleries, doorways and windows. Iron grilles were incorporated into many of the residential designs. these grilles were incorporated into windows, openings, and some handrails. colored tiles were also another element that was very common in the designs of this period. Leather was also incorporated into many of the decorative details of the residential interiors. other details incorporated tassels, fringe, braids, and decorative nail heads.

Iron Grille example

courtyard during the Spanish Renaissance

current application of Spanish courtyard

current application of iron grilles

current application of Spanish furniture and design

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Italian Renaissance Responses

Dana's blog post really stood out to me, because she discusses the importance of the collaborations going on at this time. artists were working with architects, designers, and so on. I think this is really important to share, because these collaborations are still going on today. The other blog I reviewed was Katie's post. She also shares what Italy was going through at this time culturally, and how this ignited the collaborations and the styles from this time period.

Italian Renaissance

The Italian Renaissance incorporated portable furniture into their designs. The interiors were lavish and well ornamented. the walls were covered in paintings that were very realistic. The Dante chair, also referred to as the x chair, is one of the popular dining chairs from this time period.
Dante Chair

Current application of the Dante Chair

Another interesting piece of furniture from this time is the Cassapanca, which was an earlier version of today's sofa. the piece consisted of a seat that doubled as storage, and had arms and a back. 

Italian Renaissance Cassapanca

Current application of the Cassapanca

The Trestle table is another interesting piece of furniture from this time period. These tables were typically created using wood and had large, chunky, ornamented pedestal legs. 

Trestle table of the Italian Renaissance

Current application of the Trestle table 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Americas: The Incas

I found the Incas the most interesting group out of the four groups discussed. Religion was a huge influence on the daily life of the Incas, and was portrayed through their art and designs. The Incas were best known for the architectural works. One of the most famous sites constructed during their time was Machu Picchu. The trapezoidal doorway and window was one of the biggest architectural elements the Incas gave to design.  the doorways and windows incorporated into Machu Picchu has the trapezoidal design.
Machu Picchu

trapeziod windows in interior of Machu Picchu
The two following are examples of current examples of the stonework and artwork of the Incas.