Thursday, April 24, 2014

English Renaissance

My favorite style from this period was the Queen Anne style. This style was popular during a prosperous time for England. Drinking tea and coffee as well as playing games in the parlor were favorite activities during this time. These activities brought new pieces of furniture, like the tea tables. The interiors were very simple with oriental influence. William Kent, a painter, designer, and architect, had a huge influence on this style. mahogany was the wood of choice, mainly because of how easy it was to carve. The style was very feminine and incorporated the Cabriole leg to furniture pieces. The most popular piece of furniture from this time was the Queen Anne Chair, which had a very distinctive back and little carving.

the Queen Anne Chair

example of an Queen Anne interior designed by William Kent

current example of  the Queen Anne chairs and style

A more Contemporary version of the Cabriole Leg

Current example of the Queen Anne Style

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