Monday, February 3, 2014

Classical Civilization: Rome

The Roman Empire culture had a huge influence on design during this time. With the creation of roadways, the Roman Empire used the grid layout for the city. The civilians had more time to engage in recreational activities, politics, religion, and commerce. these daily activities had a huge impact on the architecture of that time. Buildings were created with the purpose to house gathering places for these activities. One of the most famous recreational buildings built during this time is the Colosseum. It was the home for cultural activities like gladiator fights, and could seat up to 5,000 people. The Roman Empire was one of the first to use concrete in architecture, which was used to build the Colosseum. The Colosseum also incorporated another important Roman architectural feature; the arch and vault. The Colosseum was also the prototype for sports arenas.

The Colosseum, 80 A.D.

Current application of the Arch

Current application of the use of arches in a sports arena. 

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