Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Highly decorated homes in Pompeii, Italy during the ancient Roman period were filled with paintings. The paintings were typically done on wet plaster.  The paintings style was divided up into four different styles. The first style describes the style of the paintings around 300 to 100 B.C. Many wall paintings mimicked other materials/finishes, like marble. 
First Style 
 The Second Style emerged within the time period of 100 B.C.E. to 20 B.C.E. This style portrays architectural elements, like columns and archways. decorative elements such as moldings were also copied during this style. The use of color, especially red, is displayed during this style.

Second Style
The third style contained more architectural elements and some pictorials. A lot of the architectural elements copied were very detailed and could never be physically built. The pictorials were typically of landscapes. The colors red, white, and black were primarily used in the paintings. Green was also used, but not as much since it was a more expensive pigment. This style flourished between 20 C.E. and 50 C.E.

Third Style

The Fourth style was popular during the reign of Claudius; 40 to 79 C.E. This style contained a lot of ornamentation and movement. Many paintings of this style contained hanging picture within the paintings. The style had luxurious details and resembles theatre sets 
Fourth Style

1 comment:

  1. I discussed your blog post here:
